Rail Project FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project?

市区铁路改造项目的特点是全面更换为RTD市中心走廊服务了30年的铁路. 这一重大建设举措将提高轻轨系统的安全性和可靠性.

Why is RTD undertaking the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project now, especially while the 16th Street Mall project is underway?

管理和维护资产处于良好的维修状态,确保所有委托RTD将其运送到目的地的个人的铁路网络的长期完整性. After more than 30 years, RTD正在投资其最老的铁路基础设施,以确保网络的长期完整性. 市中心环线的铺设路段位于混凝土下面,因此铁轨和铁轨下面的压载石更难以维护. Years of increasing vehicular and train traffic, along with chemicals like deicing salts, have taken a toll on the downtown tracks, making this project a priority. RTD and Denver are working together to minimize impacts to customers and the public. 这些机构正在就维护十字路口通行的最佳做法进行合作,同时最大限度地减少对市中心商业的干扰, transit customers and the public.

Between 2012 and 2023, 铁路运输署在中央走廊内的主要路口完成17项维修及更换工程. This work prioritized curved rail, switches, and at-grade crossings. How is this project different?

This major reconstruction project is the first of its kind in RTD’s history. 以前的铁路相关建设项目都是针对特定路段的增强和修复. For instance, during previous projects, RTD prioritized high-risk areas like switches and at-grade rail crossings, completing one or two projects per year. 这个多阶段的项目将改善丹佛市中心的五个十字路口,这些十字路口是D, H and L light rail lines. These intersections include 15th and Stout, 17th and Stout, 15th and California, 17th and California, and Broadway and Welton.

How will the Downtown Rail Reconstruction project affect travel in downtown?

Beginning May 26, all D and H line trains will be rerouted to Denver Union Station, and L Line service, which connects 30th•Downing Station to the downtown loop, will be suspended. 到2024年9月,RTD的中央走廊将不再运营轻轨服务. 在项目期间,沿15街和17街运营的RTD巴士路线也可能受到暂时影响, and the agency is working to limit any detours in the downtown area. With the D and H lines rerouting to Denver Union Station, RTD is planning to temporarily reintroduce its Free MetroRide service, which will operate along 18th and 19th streets. Free MallRide和MetroRide路线都在联合车站和市政中心站之间提供多个站点. RTD还将扩大0L路线的服务,从I-25/百老汇站经市民中心站到市中心,为不前往下城的客户提供选择.

What about accessibility during construction?

RTD is dedicated to providing safe and accessible services, preserving a reliable transit infrastructure, supporting previous investments, and extending design life of agency assets. 在建设的所有阶段,市区将保持交通畅通. Customers and the public will still have access to transit, businesses and downtown events during the construction project. RTD的网站和应用程序是客户计划旅行和到达市中心目的地的最佳途径.

How will the construction impacts and service impacts be communicated to the public?

RTD正在与众多市中心合作伙伴和媒体合作,提供有关市中心铁路重建项目的先进信息和通信. In advance of the work, RTD将利用多种沟通渠道和平台,制作明确的信息,突出项目的好处及其对服务的影响. This includes in-system assets such as signage, community engagement and outreach, media relations, partner and stakeholder collaboration, web, digital, and social media. 将开发特定于项目的材料和资源,以解释项目细节并支持与客户进行外部接触的机会, partners, and local stakeholders. 这种全面的无意外的方法旨在通过通知和吸引客户和社区的一致性来有效地管理期望, 准确和及时的沟通,同时强调项目的长期利益. 


在施工期间,所有D线和H线列车将改道至丹佛联合车站. While D and H trains will not service Colfax at Auraria Station during construction, three light rail lines(D, E and H) will serve Auraria West Station.

对建筑工地附近的车道和商业有何影响? Will the project involve full closure of intersections? Will the project involve full closure of intersections?

这项工作将被排序,以便不是所有的交叉路口将在同一时间受到影响. 在工程进行期间,车辆仍然可以通过这些区域. Yes, 这项工作将要求15日和17日全面停工,同时在这些地区进行工作. 车辆交通将尽可能有效地绕过这些封闭设施. RTD的意图是完成百老汇和韦尔顿的工作,同时保持百老汇的2车道交通, however, this is the intent and has not been confirmed. 工作区域附近的所有业务在任何时候都要保持畅通.

Why is RTD sending all the trains to Union Station, and not turning them around at the Convention Center?

Staff considered the option of turning D and H line trains at the Convention Center. However, 有开关投标以支持顶部面板项目和操作会议中心开关所需的人员, while also performing routine maintenance across the entire rail system, is not possible. RTD的运营部门也没有管理人员可以在会议中心安排一名控制人员来监控该地区的列车运行情况. Additionally, 监控和数据采集(SCADA)组在支持和监控顶部面板项目和RTD整个轻轨系统的正常列车运行方面存在人员权力限制.

What are the main impacts to RTD service during the downtown rail work?

Beginning May 26, all D and H line trains will be rerouted to Denver Union Station, and L Line service, which connects 30th•Downing Station to the downtown loop, will be suspended. 到2024年9月,RTD的中央走廊将不再运营轻轨服务. Following completion of the project’s first phase in September, crews will pause reconstruction work until 2025, and all light rail services will resume normal operations.

在项目期间,沿15街和17街运营的RTD巴士路线也可能受到暂时影响, and the agency is working to limit any detours in the downtown area. Also, with the D and H lines rerouting to Denver Union Station, RTD is planning to temporarily reintroduce its Free MetroRide service, which will operate along 18th and 19th streets. Free MallRide和MetroRide路线都在联合车站和市政中心站之间提供多个站点. In addition, RTD将于2024年9月前在0L线南百老汇有限公司巴士上推出全天服务,以减少市区铁路改造项目对使用轻轨的乘客的影响. 有关市区铁路计划的详细服务资料,请按 click here. To see all final May 2024 service changes for rail and bus service, click here.

Will the H and D lines stop at Auraria West this summer?

Three light rail lines (D, E线和H线)加上Platte Valley FlexRide将在市中心工作期间为Auraria West提供服务. L Line service, which connects 30th•Downing Station to the downtown loop, 在2024年9月之前,港铁中心走廊将暂停运营,轻轨服务也将停运.

What services will be available at Colfax at Auraria Station this summer?

RTD正在研究今年夏天将Platte Valley FlexRide扩展到Auraria站的Colfax的方案. Bus Route 16 also serves the Colfax at Auraria Station.

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